To all parents and carers.
Good morning, from LCS.
I have some brief items this morning, in my latest email update.
Our annual Parent/Carer Survey went live last week and is open for responses until 4pm on Friday 29th November.
Please take a few minutes to complete this survey to provide us with your views about LCS. All feedback will be considered and the more responses we receive the more accurate a picture of parents/carers’ views we will be able to gather.
Thank you to those parents/carers who have submitted their responses already. If you have more than one child at LCS, please submit one response only.
The survey can be completed by copying the link sent in Mr Wilding's email to all parents/carers today.
A reminder to all parents/carers, that Monday 2nd December is a staff INSET Day and school will be closed to students. School staff will be working remotely for this INSET Day and our usual Reception service will not be available.
For how to report urgent safeguarding matters during school closure, please refer to information on our school website:
Safeguarding | Littleover Community School
White Ribbon Day – 25th November
You will hopefully remember that, in 2023, a group of young men from Derby Voices in Action Youth Council collaborated to produce a local campaign for the White Ribbon movement. This movement aims to raise awareness against violence perpetrated towards young women and girls by encouraging young men to stand up against any abuse that they see.
According to a YouGov Poll in 2021, 63% of men agreed that they aren't doing enough to ensure the safety of women and girls.
The 2023 campaign was widely successful and gained national recognition, including winning an award at the National CrimeBeats Awards.
For this year, ViA have worked with their previous partners, GoldBox, who filmed the video we produced in 2023, to produce a series of social media posters centred around this year's theme of #ItstartswithMEn which we hope to distribute all around Derby, from schools to businesses to public places.
Littleover Community School stands firmly in support of this campaign, to continue to raise awareness of the issue.
#WhiteRibbonDay2024 #Littleover #YouthVoice #Derby #ItstartswithMEn
School Aged Flu Immunisation Clinics in Derbyshire
I have been asked to share the information below, for any parents/carers who did not provide consent for the recent flu immunisations which took place in school, but would still like their child(ren) to receive the immunisation.
These clinics are for school aged children who live in the Derbyshire area, who have not received their routine Flu vaccination in school or elsewhere.
The clinics are appointment only. For more information, or to book an appointment, please call IntraHealth on the below telephone number:
0333 358 3397 - Option 5
Intrahealth kindly ask that where possible only 1 accompanying adult attends.
Thursday 12th December 2024 - After School pop up – Derby - Nottingham Rd Fire Station, Chaddesden, DE21 6FP
15.30pm – 18.00pm
Monday 23rd December 2024 - Alfreton Head Office (near Tesco’s) - Genesis Business Centre, King Street, Alfreton, DE55 7DQ
09.00am – 17.00pm
Monday 30th Dec 2024 – Derby - Nottingham Rd Fire Station, Chaddesden, DE21 6FP
10.00am – 15.30pm
Tuesday 31st Dec 2024 - Ilkeston Firestation Community Rooms, DE7 5EZ.
10.00am – 14.00pm
Thursday 2nd January 2025 - Alfreton Head Office, Genesis Business Centre, King Street, Alfreton, DE55 7DQ
09.30am – 15.30pm
Friday 3rd January 2025 – Derby - Ascot Drive Fire Station, 10 Ascot Drive, Allenton, DE24 8GZ
10.00am – 15.00pm
Thank you for your continued support of our school.
Keep safe.
J Wilding