Contact the PSA:
For more information please email us on or Join our Facebook Group - LCS Parent Staff Association.
Please use the links below to view information about the LCS PSA and its work.
Upcoming Events
Quiz Night - 25th May 2023, 6.30pm in the Main School Hall
Events are subject to change.
What is the LCS PSA?
The PSA is a combination of committee members, parents and staff from the school who enjoy helping out and organising various functions.
We usually meet monthly on a Monday night 7:00pm to 8:00pm, in the school library.
Our meetings are open for anyone to attend.
Our PSA is a member of the NCPTA, which is a national charity and membership organisation providing support and guidance for all home school associations in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
What does the PSA do?
The two main objectives are:
to raise funds for the school;
to organise fun events for our children to take part in.
How can you help?
Come along to the meetings and help plan new fundraising or social events.
By supporting events organised for your children and attending those directed at parents.
You might want to offer to help or donate items to support organised events.
How have the PSA Supported the school?
Equipped a new G-Block computer suite
Purchase of an Automated External Defibrilator - this is now kept in Reception and staff have been trained on how to use it by the Ambulance Service.
Contributions to the Minibus Maintenance
Contributions to fund the Sunrise Club
Staging and Lighting Control Desk for the Drama Department
Lockers for the children
School Minibus
Equipment for the library (desk, etc.)
Sports Kit for teams
Part payment towards the Grand Piano
Language Lab Equipment (Refurb)
Computer Equipment ( Laptops and Projectors)