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Student Information


We expect 95% + attendance from every student.

We also expect students to be punctual to registration and to lessons.

This level of attendance is necessary to ensure students achieve their full potential in their AS and A levels

Absence Notification

If you know you are going to be absent, you must hand in a notification form at least 2 days in advance.

Cars and Parking

If students wish to drive their own cars to school they can request a car parking permit from Mrs Goodman. This permit will entitle students to park in one of the allocated 6th form parking spaces in the main car park. Students must adhere to the terms and conditions of the permit and must always have the permit displayed clearly.

Any students who do not have a permit must park responsibly away from the site and please remember to be considerate in the manner that you park and towards our neighbours.

Dress Code

The LCS Sixth Form dress code is based around the following core principles…

  1. Creating a PROFESSIONAL environment for study.

  2. Setting a GOOD EXAMPLE for younger students in the school.

  3. Being RESPECTFUL towards each other.

LCS Sixth Form’s dress code allows members of the Sixth Form to set a high standard in their personal appearance and conduct.  All items on the list below may be worn by LCS Sixth Form students:

  • Trousers of a formal/tailored style

  • Skirt/dress of an appropriate length (should be below fingertips when standing with arms by sides)

  • Formal shirt/top

  • Jumper (hoodies are classed as outdoor coats and should not be worn inside)

  • Cardigan

  • Formal shoes (not trainers/sports shoes)

  • Jacket or blazer

  • Waistcoat

  • Tie

All of the above items should be smart in appearance and reflect business/office dress.

Please also be aware of the following:

  • Coats may be worn but are to be removed once inside classrooms/study areas

  • Piercings in each ear are permitted, as well as a single nose piercing

  • Where religious dress is worn such as a hijab, turban, abaya etc., it should be worn in conjunction with the dress code and maintain its spirit.

Please assume that anything not specifically listed above is not allowed. For example, denim, shorts, trainers are not on the list so are not permitted.  Any clothing with rips, holes or large logos/slogans will not be deemed as being smart and the judgement of the Head of 6th Form will be final on all matters relating to the Sixth Form Dress Code.
Finally, please remember that the dress code in the Sixth Form is a privilege not enjoyed by other members of the school community.  It reflects the level of maturity and independence we expect from our Sixth Form students and any student failing to comply with it may be sent home to change.

Health and Safety

For the health, safety and comfort of all students the following will apply:

  • Food and drink will be available from a server in the common rooms at break and lunch time.  This must not be taken into the study rooms, and all litter must be placed in the bins provided.

  • Smoking is not allowed anywhere on site. No alcohol or drugs are to be brought onto the site.

  • No knives, firearms or other dangerous weapons are to be brought onto the site

Post-16 Bursary

The 16-19 Bursary Fund helps 16 to 19-year-olds continue in education, where they might otherwise struggle for financial reasons.

Please contact for the current pack.

Rewards and Sanctions

LCS 6th Form has high expectations of its students and the following policy is designed to promote and support the type of conduct and behaviour that we feel is appropriate for 6th Form students.

Student Union Card Application

LCS 6th form students are eligible to apply for membership of the National Union of Students. Click the link below to sign up.

Use of the Facilities

  • LCS 6th Form students will have use of the Common Rooms and the Study Rooms from 8.00am until 5.30pm.

  • These facilities are for the use of LCS Sixth Form students, no students from other institutions or other years are permitted.

  • Mobile Phones, MP3 Players, iPods etc can be used in the common room and in the study rooms only, provided that their use does not interfere with yours and other people’s studying. Sixth form students seen listening to devices around the site or who have headphones visible may have the device and headphones confiscated. Mobile phones should be switched off at all other times.

  • Usage of any electronic devices during a lesson will be at the discretion of the subject teacher.

  • As is the situation in lower school, confiscated devices will be locked away and parents will be asked to collect them from members of the 6th Form team. They will not be returned directly to the students.

  • Students are responsible for the safety of any mobile phones, personal stereos, MP3 Players, iPods etc. Littleover Community School accepts no responsibility for the loss of such items

  • Use of the table football game, playing cards etc is strictly only permitted before and after school and during breaks and lunchtime – NOT during private study/’free’ lessons. Gambling is NOT permitted

Induction 2024

Preparing for Sixth Form

Resources to help students prepare for LCS Sixth form can be found below:

Please see also visit the Parent-Student Information page.


Resources for students studying the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) can be found below:

Partners & Accreditations