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Key Stage 3 PSHE

Topics/Skills Taught

Year 7


  • Settling into LCS

  • Bullying and it’s consequences

  • Dangers of smoking and e-cigarettes

  • Relationships and Health Education (see RSHE policy for details)

  • Internet safety

  • Economic education to include attitudes to money, bank accounts and making the most of your money.


  • The role of the local council and the importance of having a say in decisions.

  • Global issues  - learning about migration and refugees.

Careers Education

See the Careers policy for further details but curriculum to include:

  • Employability attitudes and identification of employability skills.

  • Challenging gender stereotypes in careers choices.

  • Writing a personal statement.

Year 8


  • Internet safety and risks of grooming

  • Learning to be more resilient and an introduction to coping strategies.

  • Different families, and key issues such as domestic violence, divorce and bereavement

  • Dangers of alcohol and Drugs

  • Economic education to include budgeting, borrowing and debt and recognising problem gambling.

  • Relationships and Health Education (see RSHE policy for details)


  • Diversity – Understanding and accepting differences, celebrating diversity and understanding hate crime and the law.

  • British Values – the core 5 values of bring British and how these influence our rights and behaviours

Careers Education

See the Careers policy for further details but curriculum to include:

  • Exploration of personality attributes and attitudes.

  • Identifying employability skills and ways to develop these.

  • The importance of Labour Market Information and equal opportunities.

  • Writing a personal statement.

Year 9


  • Emotional health and wellbeing, learning about positive coping strategies and recognising those that are harmful.

  • Economic education to include credit, borrowing products, being responsible consumers and gambling related harms.

  • Relationships, Sex and Health Education – recognising healthy and unhealthy behaviours, consent, media influences on relationships and sex, managing sexual pressure, introduction to contraception, FGM.

  • Evaluating sources of information for who we trust – Fact or Fake News.


  • Human Rights – Understanding the key rights of humans and how these affect people and communities. Protecting rights when they conflict and the work of human rights organisations.

  • Politics – understanding the British political system, ways of voting, the importance of having a say and evaluating different types of governments.

Careers Education

See the Careers policy for further details but curriculum to include:

  • GCSE option choices – pathways and guidance and decision-making skills.

  • Understanding the qualification pathways of transition into Post 16 and Post 18 education.

  • Further familiarisation of careers support web-based information and software that will be ongoing into KS4

  • Writing a personal statement.

Extra Curricular Activities

Throughout their time at LCS, students will have opportunities to develop their learning outside of their lessons.

  • Enterprise Day activities enable students to work in teams on a ‘work based challenge’ and this is supported by volunteers from local work places. Students take part in one per year.

  • Careers Library is open at lunchtime (days advertised to students). Drop in for support with careers research and inspiration, writing CVs and other application documents.

  • Careers assemblies: students receive up to three careers focused assemblies per year.

  • Outside visitors: We continue to build on string links with the local police, outside agencies, such as the Prevent Team, and local employers and LCS alumni who support the delivery of our PSHE, Citizenship and Careers curriculum alongside additional support for activities such as enterprise days.

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