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Key Stage 4 PSHE

Students consolidate and develop key topics from key stage 3 and also have Core RE lessons delivered as part of the programme of study.

Greater emphasis is placed on careers education to prepare students for the education pathways available to them after their GCSE’s and to enable them to make successful transition from education into the work place.

Topics/Skills Taught

Year 10

Careers Education

  • Applications for Work experience

  • The application process including CVs, forms, interview techniques

  • Labour Market Information

  • Online reputation

  • dentifying transferable employability skills and evidence.

  • Constructing their ‘brand’ and writing an elevator pitch.

  • Further use of web-based careers software to include Unifrog and Start.

  • Pathways in education, apprenticeships, traineeships and T levels.


  • Learning about the law – youth crime, the UK justice system, drugs, knife crime and the internet.

  • Economic education – consumer rights, financial risk and protection, payslips and pensions.

Relationships, Sex and Health Education

  • Relationships - recognising healthy and unhealthy behaviours, what influences our ideas, arranged and forced marriage, parenting and cancer and screening)

  • Consent

  • Sexual Health: Contraception, STI’s (including HIV and AIDS) and where to get information and help

(See further details in the RSE and Health Education policy)

Core RE

Understanding how we make ethical decisions and debating ethical issues:

  • Animal Ethics - how we use animals, vivisection, eating meat, religious teachings and improving reasoning and persuasion.

  • Human Ethics - when does life begin, the arguments for and against abortion, euthanasia and religious teachings about these issues.

Year 11

Careers Education

  • Application preparation to Post 16 providers (application forms, interview techniques etc)

  • Record of achievement documents (to include CV, Personal Statement, Career Action Plan)

  • Higher education and Apprenticeships

Life skills

  • Understanding mental health illnesses.

  • Economic education – student finance, different types of employment and next steps such as apprenticeship or employment.

  • The impact of drug use.

  • The influence of the media and pornography on young people, including influences on self-esteem, relationships and body image.

  • RSE – applying understanding of sexual consent and consolidations of contraception and STI’s (see RSE and Health education policy for further details of content).

Extra-Curricular Opportunities 

  • Mock Interview Evening: All students take part in a ‘Mock interview’ with an employer volunteer.

  • Post 16 workshops: All students attend workshops about the key education pathways of Sixth Form, College and Apprenticeships.

  • Work Experience week: Aim for students to attend a work placement within the Autumn term of Year 11

  • Application portfolio: Unifrog online platform for CVs, record keeping of personal statements, key employability skills and evidence and student certificates in locker tool.

  • Careers Interviews: Students have access to an independent Careers advisor to provide 1-2-1 support for students who need additional guidance with their education pathways and applications.

  • As stated in the KS3 section, Careers Library is open at lunchtimes, Monday – Thursday. Students can drop in for advice about further and higher education, help in writing CVs and Personal Statements, use careers websites for research and inspiration.

  • Careers Fair: Local providers of Post 16 and Post 18 education, apprenticeships, traineeships and T-level for students in the summer term of Year 10.

  • Ongoing links with local employers: to advertise opportunities and where available to provide talks about specialist areas i.e. apprenticeships.

Person bricklaying

Partners & Accreditations