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Key Stage 3 Drama

In Year 7-9 the students are taught the basic skills needed to explore and appreciate Drama as an art form and use them as a tool to investigate the world around them. Years 7 and 9 have two lessons per fortnight, whilst in Year 8 they have one.

Topics/Skills Taught

Year 7

  • Mime

  • Building a character

  • Improvisation

  • Melodrama

  • Creative Careers

Year 8

  • Physical Theatre

  • Status

  • Deepening a character

  • Subtext

  • Theatre History

Year 9

  • Stanislavski

  • Creating an atmosphere

  • Brecht

  • Working from a stimulus

  • Shakespeare

  • Lighting and Sound design

The Big Picture

Learning Journey

KS3 Drama learning journey

Partners & Accreditations