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Key Stage 5 Art

Exam Board and Specification

AQA A Level Art and Design - Fine Art Specification

The A Level course is taught by two specialist Art teachers who provide a rich variety of art and design experiences before students specialise in their personally devised investigation. Learning will happen through workshops, tutorials, one to one discussions, group critiques and independent work.

Topics/Skills Taught

Year 12

The Transition Unit

The Transition Unit involves working through a series of challenging workshops which expose students to new and dynamic approaches. Students broaden their understanding of creative expression and use of diverse techniques and materials. They explore drawing, life drawing, printmaking (collagraphs and lino-printing), mixed media, photography, digital manipulation and painting.

Following these workshops, students select a specific genre relating to the theme of ‘transition’ to complete a sustained exploration which culminates in a final outcome(s).

Personal Investigation

The sustained Personal Investigation commences in June, where studens identify a focus for their major unit of work. Students begin to explore this conceptually, whilst exploring artists and subject matter.

Year 13

Personal Investigation Continued

Students are resolving their final portfolio for their Personal Investigation which is submitted as their Practical Work.

Students will need to produce a body of work that includes:

  • Photography and image manipulation, including ICT manipulation using Photoshop

  • Investigation of subject matter through drawing techniques and media,

  • Printmaking (collagraphs and lino-printing)

  • Distortion and abstraction techniques

  • Use of painting techniques, including grounds.

  • Analysis and research of artists and designers

  • Designing and the manipulation of the elements and principles of design.

  • Recording, justifying and reflecting on their creative and personal investigation.

Students produce a final outcome based on their sustained personal development.

In addition to their practical work, students submit a written Personal Study (between 1,000 and 3,000 words) which assimilates their research and analytical and conceptual investigations during the Personal Investigation.  

Controlled Assessment

From February, students are given a preparatory period to respond to one of five questions that is set by the AQA Examination Board.

The final outcome is produced within a period of 15 hours in examination conditions (over three school days).

Abstract portrait of a girl with multiple faces

Extra-Curricular Opportunities

  • Life drawing sessions

  • After school Art sessions

  • Art Trip to London in Year 12 visiting Tate Modern and Saatchi Gallery / National Portrait Gallery

  • Optional Coursework Day during school holidays

Painting of girl with water falling on her head

Partners & Accreditations