Key Stage 4 students can choose to study the following GCSE courses within the Technology department.
Product Design
Food Preparation and Nutrition
Product Design
Exam Board and Specification
OCR Design and Technology (9-1) – J310
Topics/Skills Taught
Year 10
Students complete a "Graphics Rocks" Project. They will have the opportunity to use hand drawn, Publisher, Techsoft and Photoshop skills to produce a variety of products to promote a band's tour. They will continue to develop their 3D modelling skills and also use the vacuum former and laser cutter (CAD/CAM) when manufacturing these products.
Design Engineering
Students make a series of mini projects to develop their engineering skills. They learn about CAD circuit design software, soldering, breadboarding, motion and mechanisms whilst developing their manufacturing skills using relevant machinery and hand tools.
Students complete a series of mini projects that introduce them to new skills. They use a range of CAM equipment including the computerised embroidery machine, laser cutter and sublimation printer. They use both hand and CAD fashion illustrations to design a range of sportswear and further develop their manufacturing skills by working with stretch fabrics.
Resistant Materials
Students make a series of mini projects to develop their skills including CAD, CNC router, laser cutter and hand tools. Projects include a storage product and chair iterative modelling.
Year 11
Iterative Design Challenge
Students use the iterative design process to create, model and solve a brief from a theme set by the exam board.
The project will focus on the chosen material area, however, students will be allowed to incorporate materials and processes from any material area in technology.
The project will be submitted as an e-portfolio which will include pictures and videos of the final prototype being used and evaluated by the target market.
The project is worth 50% of the GCSE.
The remaining 50% is from the examination that the students will sit in the summer.

Extra-Curricular Opportunities
Year 10 Trip to Warner Bros Studios to see how Product Design is used during a films production and promoted before its release.
Young Engineers of South Derbyshire Competition
Food Preparation and Nutrition
Exam Board and Specification
OCR GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition (9-1) J309
Topics/Skills Taught
Year 10
Students will complete a range of tasks that provides them with an insight into a range of food preparation and nutrition topics.
Topics include:
The relationship between diet and health.
Dietary needs of different groups and people.
Protein, Fats and Carbohydrates
Vitamins and Minerals
Food Source and Supply
Food Processing and Production
Year 11
Students will complete a Food Investigation Task which looks at the scientific principles underlying the preparation and cooking of food.
The second project is a Food Preparation Task in which the study the planning, preparation, cooking and presentation of food. The project includes a three hour practical exam.

Extra-Curricular Opportunities
BBC Good Food Show visit