At Key Stage 3 students have six English lessons per fortnight, which includes opportunities to use ICT. In Years 7 and 8 a lesson is also spent in the school Library.
The English Department provides the opportunity for students to study and enjoy a wide range of literature, as well as a variety of non-fiction. Students are taught to develop their skills in textual analysis and to develop their own creative writing. This is underpinned by focused teaching of spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Assessments take place each half-term and attainment levels for each unit assessment are recorded on Go4Schools.

Topics/Skills Taught
Year 7
The Novel
Drama, including Shakespeare
Non-fiction and media
Short Stories
A range of units designed to develop writing skills
A variety of opportunities to develop speaking and listening skills
Year 8
The Novel
Drama, including Shakespeare
Non-fiction and media
A range of units designed to develop writing skills
A variety of opportunities to develop speaking and listening skills
Examination unit focused on the study of non-fiction
Year 9
Drama, with a focus on Shakespeare
The Novel
Poetry, with a focus on preparation for GCSE work
A range of units designed to develop writing skills
Speaking and listening opportunities
Non-fiction and media
Examination unit with a focus on developing skills for GCSE work
Extra Curricular Activities
Themed poetry and creative writing competitions.
Celebrations of events, such as World Book Day and National Poetry Day.
Visiting authors.
Reading groups.