Exam Board and Specification
AQA - GCSE Art and Design - Fine Art Specification
Topics/Skills Taught
Year 10
Natural Forms Unit
The course begins with a series of skill-based workshops allowing students to explore a variety of new media and techniques, building on experiences in Key Stage 3. This includes oil pastels, water colour, acrylic, pen and ink, mixed media and graphite.
Students work towards developing two outcomes, a painting composition and a relief sculpture. Experimentation leading up to these final outcomes include primary source photographs, digital manipulation using Photoshop and graphics tablets, and experimentation using a range of media and subject matter. Students will learn to problem solve and reflect on the creative process. The exploration of exciting modern artists, through analysis and research, as well as the use of subject specific terminology is embedded into the curriculum.
Identity Unit
Exploring self and portraiture, students develop facial feature studies in a range of media, as well as a tonal portrait study.
Year 11
Identity Unit Continued
Students will select an aspect of their own Identity that they will investigate.
This exploratory development will build on the skills acquired in Year 10. This personal investigation will involve the use of primary source photos, observational drawing, research into artists and experimentation to reach a final composition.
The final outcome is produced during a ‘Mock Exam’ and which is a product of their initial investigation. The outcome could be either two or three dimensional and in any media of their choice.
Controlled Assessment
In January, students respond to one of seven topics that are devised by the exam board.
Students will have a preparatory period where they will produce work that meets the four assessment objectives. The outcome will be produced over two school days (10 hour exam).
Extra-Curricular Opportunities
Artist Workshops
Art Trip to London in Year 10 visiting the Tate Modern and National Portrait Gallery
Optional Coursework Day during school holidays
Key Stage 4 Art club – usually two after school options provided