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Work Experience

All students in Year 11 have the opportunity to attend a weeks Work Experience placement in the Autumn term.

Planning for this starts when students are in the summer term of Year 10.

Information about how to best support your child in gaining a suitable work experience placement is provided in links below.

Students, Parents/Carers and Employers will need to follow the school procedures to inform us of the placement and to ensure we can complete the relevant checks prior to confirming the placement. Only placements confirmed by the school can go ahead.

We use the Placement Tool on the online platform Unifrog. All students have a Unifrog log-in and are experienced in using this platform (

Please watch the presentation and the help videos from Unifrog to understand how to set up a work experience placement and your role in providing school with the correct information to ensure a safe and suitable placement can go ahead.

Presentation to Parents

More information & support is provided in the documents and links below.

Contact Us

If you have any enquiries about the Work Experience programme then please do not hesitate to contact the careers team by emailing, or via our contact us page


The resources below are related to the work experience process.

Work Experience Opportunities

Rolls Royce

Work experience opportunities are posted on their website:

Some students have been successful in securing placements arranged through personal contacts.  We do not have any other direct contact information for placements.

University Hospitals of Derby & Burton

The application process for work experience placements is outlined on the UHDB website:  

Student should complete this process and if successful, provide the placement details via the online form. 

Student should email if applying for a placement at UHDB so that we are aware of their application.

Partners & Accreditations