Littleover Community School

BBC Young Reporter @ LCS

Deforestation Destroying the Future

By: Poppy and Naomi

			Deforestation Destroying the Future
Deforestation is a massive environmental issue.

Over the last 63 years, we have been destroying rainforests for countless reasons. Although there are a rich variety of materials that can be found here, there is not an endless supply and before we know it, there won't be any habitats left. This article investigates deforestation, shows us the effects on the wildlife and how we can help. As forest loss causes 10% of Global warming. 

Did you know, 15 billion trees are cut down every year! Useful resources that we can find in rainforests include medicines, palm oil, vibrant fruits, wood, cocoa beans and many more. However valuable these are, we also need to think of the after-affects and the harm we cause to diverse species which won't be able to adapt to a barren broken environment and will eventually go extinct. An example of this is the Gold Lion Tamarin found in the canopies of southern Brazil and are largely at risk. They are golden orange coloured and enjoy most of their time swinging through trees – the last thing they deserve is to be wiped off our planet. Humans need to face up to the fact they are not the only ones who live on this planet and that we shouldn't sacrifice these creatures for just some trees.

Local residents were asked their views on whether deforestation is having an impact on the world and stated: 'Yes definitely, the amazon rainforest especially is being cut down and hundreds of diverse animals are losing their habitats.' – anonymaous 

Another comment mentioned: 
'Hugely, rainforests are being cut down. It is not just affecting animals but also the products we stock on our shelves. I have recently seen items in a shop that have had traces back to the Amazon rainforest and it is making me really cautious of what I, as a consumer, want to buy' - Imogen 

I have recently seen items in a shop that have had traces back to the Amazon rainforest and it is making me really cautious of what I, as a consumer, want to buy


One of the biggest issues of deforestation is palm oil; an edible vegetable oil that comes from the fruit of the palm oil. You may not know it, but on average 50% of shop – brought items contain palm oil including; chocolate, ice cream, butter, peanut butter and nutella. Although it is a valuable resource, we really need to cut down on it because it is tearing down habitats. 

Considering how much damage we have already done, there is hope! Here are some super solutions that can easily be done around your household. 

  1. Avoid less single use packaging 
  2. Choose recycled or responsibly sourced wood products 
  3. When buying a product that contains palm oil, look for the Rainforest Alliance label this is a company that farmers to make their products environmentally friendly and basically creating a sustainable world for all.