Littleover Community School

BBC Young Reporter @ LCS

Issues in the Gaming Community

By: Aisha

			Issues in the Gaming Community
As the popularity of gaming increases, so do the issues associated with it.

In the last 65 years gaming has grown immensely, however user issues such as harassment and adverse health effects from addiction are still taking place. Excessive gaming can lead to poor hygiene and greatly reduced hours of sleep especially when playing late at night or with friends with different time zones.

Due to this, negative stereotypes are more often than not associated with gamers even though only 4% of gamers are (currently) addicted to gaming.

I believe that this is unfair for gamers as they are frequently stigmatized for this and viewed as addictive, anti-social, isolated and immature. More people should be informed about this so that gamers can feel safer to reveal their hobby rather than being judged and mischaracterized.

Another issue is the mistreatment towards women in gaming. Approximately 47% of gamers are female. Yet even with this large amount, women are often mistreated in the gaming community.

In 2021, a survey was conducted by Reach3 Insights1 where they had asked 900 female gamers about the issues they face in the gaming community. 59% had used non-binary/male identities when gaming to avoid conflict and harassment. 49% said they had received unsought questions when gaming regarding their relationship status. 77% of responders had said they experienced gender specific harassment when gaming. Some of these being:

  • Inappropriate sexual messages
  • Patronizing/Dismissive comments
  • Name calling and insults
  • Judgement about their skills
  • Men leaving the game after finding out the player is female
  • Gatekeeping
  • Unsought advice

As a result, this makes females in gaming community feel unsafe and insecure when gaming. Game developers should take action and responsibility for protecting their community and reduce the number of these incidents occurring.